Thursday, October 30, 2008

Brian Rooney of Trafficwave started a blog so I did too!

Here I go again with a brand new blog. According to most blogging theorist, aspiring bloggers should pick a topic and stay on it to attract targeted organic traffic.

Whatever! - I have too many interests to stay on one topic so I have to just go with the groove, which conveniently brings me to the topic.

Brian Rooney, founder of Trafficwave, started a new blog today so I did too. Among many other things, Trafficwave is an autoresponder sevice and has been around since 2000.

What caught my attention is Brian Rooney is a freelance bass guitarist/vocalist and I basically do the same thing though not much freelance. I guess you can say Brian and me are groovers.
Tomorrow night (Halloween Night) I'll be playing at "The Blue Angel", a place in front of Alvin Callendar Naval Air Station in Belle Chasse, LA. I'll try to pull off the new Kid Rock tune, "All Summer Long". Wish me luck. I may even practive it before I go.

The other thing is, Trafficwave ROCKS! It's a fantastic resource for anyone who needs to maintain a list and has a great compensation plan for lagniappe (a little something extra).
Plus, Brian is very active and answers questions personally; it's a close knit thing. Other autoresponders like Aweber and Get Response in my opinion are cumbersome and a little more expensive. (I've used both)

Anyway, anyone who wants a free trial from this link can get an extra month on me.

Nathan's Trafficwave Link

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogs, Nathan!

Looks like you're off to a good start. Have fun on the gig. I'll be doing the family thing this weekend and then the next few weeks just get crazy. "Tis the Season" for Christmas concerts, musical theater, lots of parties, corporate events, etc... "

I love the fact that my AutoResponder just keeps working for me whether I'm on a gig, sleeping, actually working, or whatever!

Good luck with that test, too!